Sunday, February 18, 2007

Going to the movies

I've had the chance now to go to the movies a few times now. Although its basically the same as in the U.S. , there are a few differences. Aside from the Japanese subtitles, the major one is assigned seating. When you buy your tickets, they show you a seating chart of what seats are available. It actually seems to work pretty good, you just have to buy your tickets in advanced. Another difference is the pricing. The price of admission runs a bit higher here. At first this was a little displeasing, but then I found out that the price for snacks and drinks is much lower. So it pretty much evens out. You don't have to pay 4 dollars for a bottle of water. One other difference, which I admire and try to always do myself, is that at the end of the movie nobody leaves until the credits are finished rolling. Even the lights stay off until then. A lot of work went into that film dam it! So watch those credits!

Monday, February 12, 2007

You don't know what your missing.

If your not eating vegan food, you don't know what your missing. Before coming to Tokyo, I found out that there are lots of vegan friendly restaurants scattered around the city. I am a frequent customer of one near my work, but just recently I've started to venture out to patronize the others on the list. I have to say, its been some of the best meals I've ever had. Many of the restaurants are macrobiotic. The food is so natural and so perfectly prepared. I've decided that I am going try every vegan restaurant in Tokyo while I'm here. Once I figure out this blog thing a little better, I will try to write some reviews of the places I go, for those of you fortunate enough to visit Tokyo. Happy eating.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Now Blogging...

So after living in Tokyo for 4 months now, I've decided to start a blog. I hope to keep track of my journey here and to keep all my friends and family up to date on whats new with me. Although I have a very busy work schedule, I will try to make new posts a few times a week. So keep coming back and see what I'm up to. Take care,
